KB Securities to lead league table for 7th year The brokerage widens the gap in the third quarter while NH jumps to second
Translated by Kim So-in 공개 2019-10-08 08:00:00
이 기사는 2019년 10월 08일 08시00분 thebell에 표출된 기사입니다
KB Securities has secured number one position in South Korean debt capital markets (DCM) league table year-to-date through the third quarter. The brokerage will likely maintain the top spot for the seventh straight year.According to the bell's league table, KB Securities accumulated 19.8 trillion won, or market share of 21.51 percent in debt capital markets, in the first three quarters of 2019. The amount increased approximately by 15 percent compared to the same period last year. DCM includes straight bonds (SB), financial bonds (FB) and asset-backed securities (ABS). KB Securities worked on 195 deals year-to-date through September.
KB Securities amassed 9.9 trillion won from SB deals and 8.5 trillion won from FB deals, respectively. The brokerage was ranked second in ABS category after SK Securities, with 1.4 trillion won. The brokerage was the only one that performed evenly well in all categories.
KB Securities stood out most in FB category. The gap between the brokerage and the second, Korea Investment & Securities, and the third, NH Investment & Securities, was more than 2.6 trillion won, respectively.
If KB Securities maintains its top position this year, it will mark its seventh consecutive year as number one in the league table since 2013. It is highly likely, given its performance in the second half of this year. The margin between KB Securities and the runner-up has widened to 4 trillion won during the third quarter, from about 2 trillion won in the first half of this year.
"It shouldn't be hard (for KB Securities) to continue its seven-year winning streak, considering we've got some time left until the end of the year. The market is paying attention whether it will widen or narrow the gap with the runner-up. It is meaningful (to the brokerage) that it showed well-balanced performance in SB, FB, and ABS in 2019," said one market watcher.
NH Investment & Securities secured second position. It is the highest achievement ever, since the launch of the bell league table. Although the brokerage lost steam in the second half after a strong start to the year, it beat Korea Investment & Securities and Mirae Asset Daewoo.
Overall, its outperformance was driven by FB deals, from which it attracted 5.7 trillion won. Its presence in the ABS category is still not strong enough, with accumulating only 300 billion won.
Korea Investment & Securities and Mirae Asset Daewoo dropped one place, respectively, due to NH Investment & Securities' leap this year. SK Securities, which has led the ABS category, hardens its position in SB markets as well, followed by Kiwoom Securities and Shinhan Investment.
NH Investment & Securities led the SB category, followed by KB Securities, SK Securities, and Korea Investment & Securities. Meanwhile, SK Securities secured number one position in FB category, followed by SK Securities, eBest Investment & Securities, Bookook Securities, and Korea Investment & Securities.
(By reporter Kim Si-mok)
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